Candis Hoskins

Candis Hoskins
Community Partner: Discovery Place
About Candis: Candis works at the Discovery Place Science museum in the Live Care Department. She has built on her Bonner experience at Discovery Place by participating in the Charlotte Community Scholars research program in the Summer of 2018. The question that she answered was “How do visitors’ feelings of animal conservation change after watching an animal exhibit at Discovery Place?” She is currently becoming more familiar with the animals at the museum through the enrichment program and plans to continue her research in which she won third place in her category: Biomedical Sciences, Natural Science, and Public Health. Candis is interested in animals and is the current president of the Pre-Veterinary Club. She is a member of the University Honors program and is a 2018-2019 SAFE mentor. She also has an interest in photography and Spanish language and culture.